• 綺麗なホテルに滞在、安心・安全のセブ島留学 親子留学はこちら          コミュニケーションレッスンはこちら シニア留学はこちら 社会人留学はこちら 留学体験記
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  • 担任制で確実上達!! 親子留学はこちら          コミュニケーションレッスンはこちら シニア留学はこちら 社会人留学はこちら 留学体験記
  • シニア留学 親子留学はこちら          コミュニケーションレッスンはこちら シニア留学はこちら 社会人留学はこちら 留学体験記
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Spread the Blessings 世界に愛を!セブ島留学で孤児院経験

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“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier”.  – Mother Teresa


We cannot deny the fact that many people around the world don’t receive things as much as others do. There are many children around the globe who are experiencing hunger and disease. However, not all people care less about them. There are still others who open not only their eyes to see their condition,and their ears to hear their cries but  also their hearts to feel their need of love. The Universe English students wholeheartedly offer the best they can do to share their blessings to the less fortunate children in an area here in Cebu City. They spend time playing with the children and feeding them.  Not only they give attention but they also provided goods for the children needs to stay healthy and nourished. Good job students! We are so proud of you. Thank you very much for helping the Filipino children.


「どこに行くにも愛を分かち合って下さい。喜びなしにははなれられない離れ慣れないほどに」 マザーテレサ


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