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Halloween ハロウィーン!

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Happy halloween! Philippines is also one of those country that observe the annual celebration during October 31st. This is aldo known as the All Saints Eve. People often think of ghost, ghouls, and spirits when they hear about halloween. According to history.com and as what Filipinos, modern halloween becomes less about ghosts and spirits but more on eye-cacthing and head- turning costumes and sweet treats  that are common to children. It is also time that people in the country visit their beloved ones to remember their deeds by the time they’re still exist in the world of living.

ハッピーハロウィーン!フィリピンもハロウィーンを10月31日に祝う国の一つです。ハロウィーンはまたの名をALL SAINTS EVE(全ての聖人の前夜祭)。人々はハロウィーンを聞くとお化けや化け物や妖精などを想像すると思います。History.comによれば最近はお化けなどではなく珍しいびっくりするようなコスチュームを着る子供のイベントになってきているそうです。ハロウィーンは田舎に戻り親戚などに会う日でもあります。

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