Places are known because of it’s culture,people, scenery and as well as their diverse food choices. Here are some of the native delicacies in the Philippines. We have here rice-based delicacies. First, is called “budbud”, it made with sticky rice and coconut milk then form into rolls and wrapped with heated banana leaves. This kind of delicacy can be perfectly paired with a hot choco drink or paired with Cebu’s sweet mangoes. Second, is known as “biko”, it has the same main ingredients with the “budbud” only that it has an extra sweetness because of the brown sugar added to the ingredients. Lastly, “bibingka” is a delicacy made with sticky rice and caramel. It comes into different shapes, color,sizes and even toppings. Most of the people in the country enjoy these delicacies during special holidays like Holy week, All soul’s day, and Misa de Gallo (Spanish for Rooster’s Mass). However, to others, these kind of food are part of their daily lives especially those who are living in the country side.
行く先々で文化や人々、風景そして様々な食文化に触れることが出来ます。ここではフィリピンの名物珍味をご紹介したいと思います。お米をベースとした珍味です。一つ目は「BudBud」といいもち米にココナッツミルクを混ぜてバナナの葉でくるんだものです。この珍味はココアとかセブ島名物甘いマンゴと一緒に食べれば最高です。次に、「Biko」これはBudbudと同じものにもっと甘みを加えるためにブラウンシュガーを混ぜます。最後に「Bibingka」でこれは祝日等にHoly Weekや All Soul’s Day や Misa de Gallo (スペインのRooster’s Mass)に食べられます。街に住んでいる人々には特別な食べ物ですがフィリピンの田舎に行けばまだまだ日常の食べ物です。異文化に触れるのは楽しいですよね?是非セブ島留学で色んな経験をしてください