• 綺麗なホテルに滞在、安心・安全のセブ島留学 親子留学はこちら ホームステイはこちら シニア留学はこちら 社会人留学はこちら 留学体験記
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  • 担任制で確実上達!! 親子留学はこちら ホームステイはこちら シニア留学はこちら 社会人留学はこちら 留学体験記
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The Filipino way フィリピンスタイル (セブ島留学を通して)

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Philippines is rich of its unique culture, traditions and ways. It is also known for its warm smile, hospitality and love of music. 
It’s also unique of its way of eating since traditionally Filipino eat their meals with their bare hands and while eating some people are serenading with Filipino songs.
Philippines way of transportation almost never changed. Crossing a short distance from one island to another still uses small boats. Philippines also never failed tourists with the beauty of its nature and the welcoming atmosphere of the Filipino.

Studying English will be fun in Philippines. It’s more fun in Philippines!






~Leonacedes Ministerio

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