A bucket of happiness バケツ一杯の幸せ

Hey there seafood lovers! Here’s another food hub that may be added to your Cebu’s favorite list. Bucket Shrimps is located at Orchid St. Capitol Site, Cebu City, Philippines (across stk restuarant). This new seafood destination offers a mouth-watering bucket of shrimps, mussels and other seafoods as well as grilled meat. One of our japanese student ordered the following: boiled shrimp covered with garlic butter or spicy sauce for Php 350 good for 3-4 people; black mussels for Php 250 in which you can choose your desired sauce; grilled liempo for Php 250; bottomless iced tea or any softdrinks of your choice and a cup of rice for Php 15, you may also have a rice platter for Php 100. Other dishes’ price range from 250-350 which can be enjoyed by group. Enjoy a bucket of happiness!

シーフードが大好きな人必見です!!このハブはセブお気に入りリストに追加間違いなし!Bucket ShrimpsはOrchid St. Capitol Site, Cebu City, Philippinesに位置します(stkレストランの向かい)グリル焼きお肉の他にもバケツいっぱいのえびや貝、その他たくさんのシーフードが楽しめる場所です!日本人生徒はゆでえびのソースがけ(ガーリックバター or スパイシーソース)/350ペソ(3-4人前)、ブラック貝(お好みのソースが選べます)/250ペソを注文しました。他にもアイスティーやお好みのソフトドリンク、1カップのライスが15ペソで、ライス1人前が100ペソで注文できます。1グループ250~350ペソで十分楽しめます、セブ島留学した際には足を運ぶ価値あり!バケツいっぱいの幸せを求めてCheck it out!!!!
