November holidays セブ島の11月の休日

To most Filipinos, the first two days of the month of November are significant. All saints’ day is celebrated during the 1st and All souls’ day is observed every second day of the month. Traditionally, these day are considered as holidays. These are the times when people in the country remember their beloved relatives who already passed away. Filipinos visit the graves of their loved ones where they usually offers lighted candles, bouquet of flower, and prayers to honor the dead. Similar celebration known in Japan is “Obon”, a kind of custom to honor the spirits of their ancestors.

フィリピンのはじめの二日は特別な休みになります。ALL Saint’s dayといわれ全ての聖人の魂が一日にみなを見守り次の日に続きます。伝統的には休日となります。この日は地元に帰り亡くなった親戚などをみまう日本のお盆のようなものです。フィリピン人はお墓参りをしろうそくに火をともしお花を持っていきお祈りをします。日本では完全にお盆ですよね。亡くなったご先祖様に思いをはせるのは日本もフィリピンも同じです。
