Welcome Back! おかえりなさーい!!セブ島留学

We welcome our ever loyal student. This is his 6th time to study at school. He loves learning as much as he loves the teachers. We are very happy to see you again. From being a beginner when he first came here, he gain the skill and confidence in using the English language. Now he is in his upper intermediate level and still enhancing his skills and knowledge. The school staffs are very pleased to have you here! Break a leg! Thanks for the omiyagi 🙂

おかえりなさい、当校一のリピーター生徒さま!彼の当校6度目のセブ島留学です。彼は学ぶことも先生やユニバースイングリッシュセブも大好きでいてくれたいます。私たちも彼に会うたびすごくハッピーです!最初の方は初心者レベルでしたが、くるたびに英語力や自信が増しめまぐるしく成長しています。今中級の上のクラスにまで成長しています。本当に当校の誇りです!またがんばって! それとお土産ありがとうございます!
