All-time Favorite! フィリピン一!(セブ島留学の食事)

Everywhere we go, we always look for something that suits to our palate as well as to our pocket. Feeling hungry? Here, you can have a reliable fast food shop. It is a Filipino version and a strong competitor of the well-known Mcdonalds, J-O-L-L-I-B-I-E-E! Jollibee! You can have here a mouthful burger, spaghetti, crispy friend chicken, ice creams and many more. It is not only an all time favorite of the locals in all ages but also a favorite of many foreign people who visit the country especially foreign students learning English. So if you are looking for something affordable and delicious to feed to your grumbling stomach, look for that happy big red bee!


Food menu picture courtesy of Google images.
