Travelling is knowing and experiencing the things that one place could offer. Do you know the different transportation shown in the pictures? Are you tired of walking around but still looking for an adventure? Here are the major transportation of Filipino locals aside from the taxi. You can take a ride with the world famous jeepney which costs only Php 7.00 for a single ride. Another one is what Cebuano called as “habal-habal” which is a motorcycle use to reach places in the upland or narrow roads that cannot be access by jeepney and taxi. Commonly passenger for habal-habal pay Php 50.00 per person. The last one is like a Filipino version of a cab called pedicab or known locally as “trisikad”. The driver uses his feet just like a bicycle with a side car to let it move in distance. People in the city ride the pedicab to go to near places and pay Php 5.00-10.00.
セブ島留学中は旅行気分でいろんなことを経験したいですよね。写真にある乗り物知ってますか?冒険を見つけるのに疲れてきましたか?こちらをどうぞ、フィリピンではタクシー以外にメジャーな乗り物です。他にも有名なシープニーという乗り物は一回7ペソです。もう一つにセブ語で”Habal Habal”といってバイクでジープニーやタクシーではいけないような細い道もすいすいいける乗り物です。最後にフィリピン版のキャブでその名はぺディキャブといい[Trisikad]として知られています。運転手は自転車にサイドカーを付けてこれをこぎます。町の人はぺディキャブを近くへ行くときよく使いますよ。5-10ペソです。
Sicily Talaboc