One Day Getaway 日帰りのたび

Give your self a reward! This is a great place to release all your stress and tension after a week long of thorough English sessions. Experienced a sense of thrill from their adventure activities and the taste of calm and peaceful nature.Moreover, this may also be a great venue to practice all the speaking lessons you have gained inside the classroom. Lead the conversation and create some interaction as you enjoy a great vacation.

セブ島留学での自分へのごほうび! 長く集中的な英語のレッスンを週日したあとにストレス発散にはもってこいの場所です。刺激的なアドベンチャーのアクティビティーや心地よい自然を満喫。おまけにこれはスピーキングレッスンに役立ちます。ヴァケーションしながらの会話練習になりますよ!

Location: Papa Kits
